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•7th compliance member of Trump's National Intellectual Property Committee

•H&P International Patent & Law Office (Representative patent attorney)

•H&P Partners Co., Ltd (CEO)
•Examiner (Divisions of Display, Electronic Device, Semiconductor, Imaging Device,

   Biotechnology, and Inorganic Chemistry, and International Application Examination Division),

   Korean Intellectual Property Office(“KIPO”)
•LG Display Central R&D Center (Senior Researcher)

•M.S. and Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering,

   Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
•B.S. in Ceramic Engineering, Yonsei University

Qualifications and Activities

•Activities related to IP and technology transfer 
   - Represented a variety of public institutions and universities

     including Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Korea Institute of

     Machinery & Materials, Korea Institute of Materials Science,

     Sungkyunkwan University, Chung-Ang University, Gwangju Institute

     of Science and Technology, and Chonnam National University
   - Represented multiple private companies including Hankook Tire, LS, GS, and Changsung Corporation
   - Handled 47 cases (over KRW 5 billion) of public IP technology transfers by national and public universities and research institutes,

     in the last 3 years

•Planning R&D projects and policies
   - Planned and provided consulting on government’s R&D projects and policies 
   - Made the preliminary feasibility plan for “2020 full-cycle medical device R&D project operated by multiple governmental

     departments”, which was passed (Ministry of Science and ICT, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Ministry of Health & Welfare,

     Ministry of Food and Drug Safety: KRW 1.3 trillion)
   - Made numerous preliminary feasibility plans including the preliminary feasibility plan for “2018 high-tech new materials/parts

     industry promotion,” which was passed

•Providing support in starting businesses and funding startups
   - Provided support in planning of starting businesses and funding startups
   - Reviewed startup fundings as a privately invested member of the IP Technology Commercialization Fund (The Wealth-Clairvoyant

     Investment Fund (KRW 57.5 billion in assets)) 
   - Provided support in starting businesses as a member of the panning committee of the Startup Planning Support Center (Granum

     Sinapis Center) of the Catholic University of Korea St. Mary's Hospital 
   - Served as a member of the Regional Innovation BIG Leading Model Startup Planning and Evaluation Committee of

     the Commercializations Promotion Agency for R&D Outcomes.


Electronic/bio/nano fields including medical device, display, semiconductor, nano-materials, and bio-materials
Support for the entire R&D cycles, such as IP rights, technology transfer, policy planning and startup transfer

Major Work Cases

Acted as an intermediary for technology transfer by the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology in 2020

   (advance payment of KRW 1.1 billion)
Responsible for IP part of the KIAST  Singularity projects (2019-2028; 10 billion won, M3I3 Initiative) 
Participated in 7.3 billion worth investments of the Wealth-Clairvoyant Investment Fund in 2021
Awarded, by the KIPO, Runner-up Prize in 2016 and Grand Prize in 2017 for the patent technology research and analysis,

   and selected, by the KIPO, as the best organization for cooperating with universities and public institutions in 2020

Sang-Soo, Han

Representative Patent Attorney

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